Early Investment Signals from Artificial Intelligence
Ultimately the public will realize what our artificial intelligence discovers very early in the theme investment life cycle
often long after our clients have achieved an early mover advantage
[Investments can be in capital markets, strategic corporate planning or political campaigns.]
General Theme Investment Cycle
Emergent themes are where investment opportunities hide, until they become obvious and less attractive as investments

Nobody can guarantee the future. Nevertheless an advantage can be created by seeing what our AI sees - early discoveries of emerging and increasingly connected market and societal themes.
Our theme discovery artificial intelligence

Knowledge Graph
Our artificial intelligence is based on creating knowledge graphs based on competitive context. In these contexts, "survival of fittest" dynamics are created to discover winning companies and ideas.

Event Content
Themes are the sum of countless events that are connected with our artificial intelligence - even if not visible without AI assistance. Thousands of news, blogs and other unstructured inputs are some of the the raw inputs for our intelligent agent engines.

Artificial Intelligence
Our servers conduct billions of daily competitive relationship seeking calculations. Event dots are connected over long periods to discover and track themes. Our artificial intelligence highlights the interesting themes, suppressing the noise.

Analyst Supervision
Our analysts assist our AI with supervised machine learning. Most importantly, our analysts deliver strategic and tactical intelligence to our clients - leveraging the powerful AI theme discovery network.

Theme Discoveries
Themes are early emerging and increasingly connected indications of market and societal directions. Discovery Patterns enables investors and strategists to leverage artificial intelligence as a competitive advantage.